Saturday, August 23, 2014

Terin- the photographer

As many of you might know, I am AWFUL at taking pictures. Terin however is like my mom when it comes to taking pictures... she just know's how to capture a moment.  Kindly she doesn't mind if I post her pictures. Here are a few.

We think this is arctic cotton before it turns white and fluffy.

If you look closely you can see that Terin is wearing flip-flops. It's not that warm! She is just tough! The rest of us were wearing lined rubber boots that day! Even the locals look at her feet when she walks around in flip-flops!

Her feet in the ocean. 

Dead Dog Lake. Believe it or not this is only about a ten minute walk outside of the community.

PPS, the high school.

Mushrooms we found on a walk.

The waterfall

The community

Terin went down to the park and saw the whale bone from a catch a few seasons ago.  I hope to go soon. Apparently it still smells.

The plane we arrived on. A large one for Dorset!

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