Friday, March 28, 2014

Winter Carnival

Since the day we arrived here we have heard about the Winter Carnival that is put on by our school and today is finally the day it is going to happen and I'm excited to be part of it.

Yesterday the students were divided into teams from primary to grade 6 students (this year the theme is communities of Nunavut) and sent to classrooms with teachers (like myself and one of my master teachers) to decorate team t-shirts. The group I was helping with was "Team Igloolik" and they are the polar bears (Nanuk), which was quite fitting because at lunch time one of the students mothers from Terin's class shot a polar bear outside of town so there was lots of excitement buzzing around! In fact Terin and I were given a big piece of the meat which is currently sitting in my hosts freezer because we were disappointed to hear that you can't eat it raw.  We will be asking around today for good suggestions on how to cook it.

Today each team will go to an assigned classroom where they will eat breakfast and get ready for the games to begin. The stations are very impressive too! We will have an igloo (ice house) building station, a maple taffy station, a skating station, a sledding station, a traditional dance station, etc. The teachers will be switching stations every 30 minutes and thankfully for the students participants Terin and I are never at a station without someone who knows what they are doing. I can only imagine what type of traditional dance we would come up!

I will upload pictures as soon as possible. Unfortunately my camera has seemingly decided that it prefers southern temperatures and is not producing the greatest photos, however fortunately Heidi and Terin and excellent photographers willing to share their photos.

The halls and outside of our school will transform into a bustling and exciting winter carnival today!

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