Sunday, March 30, 2014

Polar Bear Dinner

So Terin and I were kindly given some of the polar bear meat from the one shot the other day. Terin was a trooper and figured out a way to cook it as I seem to have developed an aversion to cooked meat.  The verdict is...

It had to be boiled for two hours...which caused a very unique smell to permeate the whole house.

It looks like roast beef and if you swallow it I've been told it tastes like roast beef. I haven't gotten there yet, but will let you know.

                                                   The gift from our new friends.

Yup, that's polar bear in a pot

Terin swears it tastes like roast beef. 

She "Martha Stewert"-ed the polar bear and I'm currently thinking about trying the stew.

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