Saturday, October 18, 2014

Another two weeks summed up.

I keep seeing the Northern Lights... they are pretty and spectacular and it's kind of hard to believe that they are becoming a normal thing for me that I don't gawk at as much as I did the first time I saw them.  I have also learned from my students that you should never whistle at the Northern Lights, it's bad luck; I can't remember why it's bad luck, but it is, so I won't be doing that.  

I've also recently developed a GIANT, ENORMOUS phobia of polar bears due to something I read in a book about Inuit traditional beliefs... It said something like a person should never wish to see an animal because it will sneak up behind them when they least expect it... or something to that nature... It was written more eloquently than that, but it made my heart skip a beat because for the first month I was really hoping to see a polar bear... then I was told stories about what polar bears are capable of, and I was shown some pictures... and I quickly decided that seeing a polar bear is no longer on my list of things to do.. the problem is I really wished to see one, so now I'm concerned one might sneak up behind me.  Walking to school early in the morning has become somewhat of an olympic sport for me, and no matter who I ask I'm basically told "run to a house and bang on the door and they will let you in"... I've began to work on my cardio needless to say. 

My class is amazing.  I look forward to each day I get to go in a teach. I definitely have a great bunch of students who are eager, fun and like a good laugh. We are definitely a good fit together. 

Today Terin and I went for a walk around the community and we decided to walk along the shore line. The tide goes out really far here and I've never walked along there when it is like that.  Though it was cold, we had a great time as Terin spotted some huge bones sitting along the receded shore line. The bones were definitely the biggest bones I've ever seen, and I'm sure they are from a whale, but it was really interesting to think these giant relics of an enormous animal were sitting there all this time and we just never noticed them when the tide was out.  

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