Saturday, October 4, 2014

Time flies...

I woke up this morning and though "hey I should write a blog this morning". It was with utter amazement that I realized it has been so long since I have done one!

September seems to have flown by and it's hard to remember everything that happened. Updates since the last post:

-My class earned their first party by earning 100 points. They do this by walking in the halls quietly, having other teachers comment to us about how kind they are, being good examples for the younger kids and by being respectful.  It was hard not to give them a party right away to be honest!  I had to limit the points because they are really such a kind class! They decided they wanted a movie/pizza party. They chose a Mr. Bean movie and they wanted me to make "homemade pizza".  I stared blankly at them and said that if my mom lived here I probably could, but would they accept frozen pizzas homemade in the ovens at school? Terin helped me thankfully, and they had a great time!

-Paul Quassa came to our school and I got to meet him along with a couple of my students!  It was pretty exciting as I had learned about him down south from my Nunavut teacher!  I turned into a bumbling fool and he gave me a signed copy of his new book!

-Snow happened.  Lots and lots of snow. It seems to disappear by being blown over the mountains.  It makes it a bit challenging to walk sometimes, but I haven't minded it yet.

-The students had their first dance and first movie night at the school, and they did an awesome job running the canteen and setting it up! (The grade sixes take charge of that)

-An animator who does stop photography (I think it is called), came to our school and did a presentation then came to each class and shot a quick and fun film. We had such a blast with him!

-We had our first full week of school this week!

-The geese have finally seemed to have flown south. Now the ravens are back to pestering me and hovering over my head.

-Jack the dog seems to have found a forever home.

-I regularly stop and pet my new dog friend (who has an owner) named Bella Girl.

-I received a package from home which was SO exciting!  Getting mail here is like Christmas as it arrives at the school and we all anxiously wait to see if we received anything!  I almost cried when opening it!

Graeme- the animator (I hope he comes back!)

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